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Eicosapentaenoic acid

Basic information
Metabolite name

Eicosapentaenoic acid


Eicosapentaenoic acid

No. of studies



Relationship between Eicosapentaenoic acid and depression (count: 10)
Study Study Type Comparison groups Tissue Organism Up/Down regulated
Study M1007 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Serum Sprague-Dawley rat Up
Study M1024 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group DG region of hippocampus ICR mouse Down
Study M1024 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group CA1 region of hippocampus ICR mouse Down
Study M1024 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group CA3 region of hippocampus ICR mouse Down
Study M1090 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Plasma BALb/c mouse Up
Study M1111 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Prefrontal cortex C57BL/6 mouse Down
Study M1111 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Plasma C57BL/6 mouse Down
Study M1111 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Hippocampus C57BL/6 mouse Down
Study M1111 Type2 CUMS + rTMS group vs. CUMS group Prefrontal cortex C57BL/6 mouse Up
Study M1111 Type2 CUMS + rTMS group vs. CUMS group Hippocampus C57BL/6 mouse Up
Study M1111 Type2 CUMS + rTMS group vs. CUMS group Plasma C57BL/6 mouse Up
Study M1140 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Serum Sprague-Dawley rat Up
Study M1140 Type2 CUMS + Hypericum perforatum L. group vs. control group Serum Sprague-Dawley rat Down
Study M1140 Type2 CUMS + Chaihu Shugan San group vs. control group Serum Sprague-Dawley rat Down
Study M464 Type1 drug-naive MDD group vs. control group Plasma Human Down
Study M464 Type1 drug-treatment MDD group vs. control group Plasma Human Down
Study M469 Type1 Parkinson's disease with depression group vs. Parkinson's disease without depression group Plasma Human Down
Study M555 Type1 FMT group vs. control group Liver Sprague-Dawley rat Up
Study M600 Type2 high-fat diet + fish oil group vs. high-fat diet group Forebrain C57BL/6J mouse Up
Study M784 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Brain Sprague-Dawley rat Down
Study M784 Type2 CUMS + liquiritin group vs. CUMS group Brain Sprague-Dawley rat Up
Study M784 Type2 CUMS + fluoxetine group vs. CUMS group Brain Sprague-Dawley rat Up