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The ProMENDA database is provided by Peng Xie’s Laboratory. In this project, we aimed to provide a panoramic and systematic view of metabolomic and proteomic characterization in the context of depression.

This project was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (grant number 2017YFA0505700).

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Please cite:

● Pu J, Yu Y, Liu Y, Wang D, Gui S, Zhong X, Chen W, Chen X, Chen Y, Chen X, Qiao R, Jiang Y, Zhang H, Fan L, Ren Y, Chen X, Wang H, Xie P. ProMENDA: an updated resource for proteomic and metabolomic characterization in depression. Translational Psychiatry 2024. 14:229. doi: 10.1038/s41398-024-02948-2.

● Pu J, Yu Y, Liu Y, Tian L, Gui S, Zhong X, Fan C, Xu S, Song X, Liu L, Yang L, Zheng P, Chen J, Cheng K, Zhou C, Wang H, Xie P. MENDA: a comprehensive curated resource of metabolic characterization in depression. Brief Bioinform. 2020 Jul 15;21(4):1455-1464. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbz055. PMID: 31157825; PMCID: PMC7373181.