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4-Pyridoxic acid

Basic information
Metabolite name

4-Pyridoxic acid



No. of studies



Relationship between 4-Pyridoxic acid and depression (count: 9)
Study Study Type Comparison groups Tissue Organism Up/Down regulated
Study M050 Type3 2h Ketamine group vs. control group Hippocampus C57BL/6 mouse Down
Study M1072 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Intestine Cynomolgus monkey Up
Study M1090 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Plasma BALb/c mouse Up
Study M1090 Type3 hyperbaric oxygen treatment group vs. control group Plasma BALb/c mouse Down
Study M1095 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Faece ICR mouse Down
Study M1095 Type2 CUMS + matrine group vs. CUMS group Faece ICR mouse Up
Study M116 Type3 LY group vs. control group Cerebrospinal fluid Sprague-Dawley rat Down
Study M454 Type1 vascular depression model group vs. control group Hippocampus ICR mouse Down
Study M454 Type2 vascular depression model + YXST group vs. vascular depression model group Hippocampus ICR mouse Up
Study M555 Type1 FMT group vs. control group Liver Sprague-Dawley rat Down
Study M578 Type1 restraint stress offspring group vs. control offspring group Hippocampus Sprague-Dawley rat Up
Study M981 Type2 Abeta oligomer + acousto-optic stimulation group vs. Abeta oligomer group Serum ICR mouse Up