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p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid

Basic information
Metabolite name

p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid


4-hydroxybenzeneacetic acid;
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic Acid

No. of studies



Relationship between p-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid and depression (count: 8)
Study Study Type Comparison groups Tissue Organism Up/Down regulated
Study M036 Type1 MDD group vs. control group Urine Human Down
Study M037 Type2 sertraline treatment group four-week vs. baseline Serum Human Up
Study M052 Type1 HIV-positive and HIV-negative cohorts depressed vs. controls Plasma Human Down
Study M058 Type1 depressed HBV-infected patients group vs. control group and non-depressed HBV-infected group Urine Human Down
Study M102 Type1 severe MDD group vs. control group Urine Human Up
Study M531 Type2 MDD with escitalopram/citalopram treatment, 8-week vs. baseline Plasma Human Up
Study M615 Type1 high-fat diet group vs. control group Faece C57BL/6J mouse Down
Study M953 Type1 CRS group vs. control group Faece Sprague-Dawley rat Up