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Behenic acid

Basic information
Metabolite name

Behenic acid


Docosanoic acid

No. of studies



Relationship between Behenic acid and depression (count: 5)
Study Study Type Comparison groups Tissue Organism Up/Down regulated
Study M029 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Brain Sprague-Dawley rat Up
Study M029 Type2 CUMS + BHD group vs. CUMS group Brain Sprague-Dawley rat Down
Study M689 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Plasma Sprague-Dawley rat Up
Study M771 Type1 CSDS group vs. control group Faece C57BL/6J mouse Up
Study M870 Type1 CRS group vs. control group Brain C57BL/6 mouse Down
Study M870 Type2 CRS + sertraline group vs. CRS group Brain C57BL/6 mouse Down
Study M907 Type1 MDD group vs. control group Plasma Human Down