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3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxyphenylglycol sulfate

Basic information
Metabolite name

3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxyphenylglycol sulfate



No. of studies



Relationship between 3-Methoxy-4-Hydroxyphenylglycol sulfate and depression (count: 6)
Study Study Type Comparison groups Tissue Organism Up/Down regulated
Study M1072 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Plasma Cynomolgus monkey Up
Study M1097 Type1 placebo-treated depression group vs. control group Faece Human Up
Study M1097 Type2 probiotic-treated depression group vs. placebo-treated depression group Faece Human Down
Study M661 Type1 PSD group vs. stroke group Plasma Human Down
Study M749 Type1 CUMS group vs. control group Plasma Cynomolgus monkey Up
Study M982 Type1 adult MDD group vs. adult control group Plasma Human Up
Study M983 Type1 adolescent MDD group vs. adolescent control group Plasma Human Down