Study name | Kim SY 2010b |
Title | Desipramine attenuates forced swim test-induced behavioral and neurochemical alterations in mice: an in vivo 1H-MRS study at 9.4 T |
Overall design | The objective of this study was to examine the effects of desipramine (DMI) pretreatment on behavioral and regional neurochemical responses in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and hippocampus of mice exposed to the forced swim test (FST) using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS). An ultra short echo stimulated echo acquisition (STEAM) localization sequence (TR/TM/TE=5000/20/2.2ms) was used to measure in vivo proton spectra from the left DLPFC (voxel volume: 7 microl) and hippocampus (6 microl) of C57BL/6 mice at 9.4 T and acquired proton spectra post-processed offline with LCModel. Mice were divided into the following 3 groups (n = 10 in each group): (1) control group, (2) FST group, (3) FST + DMI group. The single intraperitoneal injection of DMI treatment (10 mg/kg) was given 30 min before the test. In vivo MR acquisitions were performed 30 min after the FST. Only data from FST group and FST + DMI group was used. Metabolite quantification was reported in absolute concentrations. |
Type3; | |
Data available | Unavailable |
Organism | Mouse; C57BL/6 mouse; |
Categories of depression | Healthy individuals; Healthy individuals; Healthy individuals; |
Criteria for depression | Forced swimming test |
Sample size | 20 |
Tissue | Central; Brain; Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; Central; Brain; Hippocampus; |
Platform | MRS; MRS: 9.4 T/20 cm horizontal bore magnet (Bruker BioSpec 94/20, USR, Ettlingen, Germany); |
PMID | |
DOI | |
Citation | Kim SY, Lee YJ, Kim H, et al. Desipramine attenuates forced swim test-induced behavioral and neurochemical alterations in mice: an in vivo 1H-MRS study at 9.4 T. Brain Res 2010;1348:105-13. |
Metabolite |