Study name | Coupland NJ 2005 |
Title | Decreased prefrontal myo-inositol in major depressive disorder |
Overall design | The aim of this study was to test whether major depressive disorder (MDD) patients would show reduced prefrontal/anterior cingulate cortex levels of myo-inositol. Nonmedicated moderate-severe MDD patients (depression group, n = 13) and matched control subjects were studied (control group, n = 13). Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy stimulated echo acquisition mode spectra (3.0 T; echo time = 168 msec; mixing time = 28 msec; repetition time = 3000 msec) were obtained from prefrontal/anterior cingulate cortex. Metabolite data were adjusted for tissue composition. Metabolite quantification was reported relative to total creatine as the reference peak. |
Type1; | |
Data available | Unavailable |
Organism | Human; |
Categories of depression | Depressive disorder; Depression; Depression; |
Criteria for depression | DSM-IV diagnosed MDD |
Sample size | 26 |
Tissue | Central; Brain; Anterior cingulate cortex/Prefrontal cortex; |
Platform | MRS; MRS: 3.0-T scanner (Magnex Scientific, Abingdon, United Kingdom/Surrey Medical Imaging Systems, Guilford, United Kingdom); |
PMID | |
DOI | |
Citation | Coupland NJ, Ogilvie CJ, Hegadoren KM, et al. Decreased prefrontal myo-inositol in major depressive disorder. Biol Psychiatry 2005;57(12):1526-34. |
Metabolite |